CADUCEUS.ZIP 2,459 03-20-95 Caduceus with Winged Staff
CAFAQ.ZIP 7,167 08-08-94 Cancer FAQ/information resources
CAFFAQ12.ZIP 14,732 12-30-93 Internet FAQ (answers to frequently askedquestions) re: caffeine. 12/93 version(replaces all previous).
CAN41223.ZIP 3,843 01-02-95 Censorship threathens access to cancer infoon oncolink
CAN50119.ZIP 3,321 02-12-95 Cancel patient adds voice to governmentresearch debate.
CAN50221.ZIP 3,768 04-09-95 Net result of computers aids cancer patients
CAN50303.ZIP 3,304 04-01-95 Flawed system sends false signals to cancerpatients.
CAN50308.ZIP 6,042 06-16-95 Family members cope and cop-out in a child's
CAN9404.ZIP 4,475 05-06-94 Holes In Canadian Health Care Safety Net
CARDBK10.ZIP 368,273 03-03-94 An electronic cardiovascular textbook thatcovers a broad selection of cardiovascularsubjects. This is the first in a series ofplanned medical specialities that will bewritten for shareware electronic publication.
Cardbk version 1.0 will allow you to examinethe first 15 topics out of about 100 topics.Registration is $25.00, giving you access toall topics. VGA IS REQUIRED.
CARPAL.ZIP 5,471 09-02-93 Information on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
CARPEL.ZIP 6,270 10-28-93 Information on Carpel Tunnel Syndrome. Amust-read for anyone who uses a keyboard.
CASP9409.ZIP 5,565 02-24-95 Proposition 186: CA's single payerhealth-plan referendum
CASURVEY.ZIP 6,076 08-06-94 Cancer Survivor's Survey
CATI53.ZIP 16,982 11-14-94 CATIE "TreatmentUpdate53", Vol. 5, No. 3October 1994. Community Aids Treatment Info
CATSPR93.ZIP 53,416 02-16-95 List of stuff National Council Drug/Alcohol
CA_EMF12.ZIP 22,752 12-30-93 Internet FAQ (answers to frequently askedquestions) re: cancer and electro- magneticfields e.g. high tension power lines. 12/93version (replaces all previous).
CBE50604.ZIP 6,198 06-14-95 Managed care turning Doctor's practices into
CBE50615.ZIP 3,200 06-22-95 Parent's race for life meets dead end at fourhospitals.
CBE9204.ZIP 7,952 06-12-95 Managed care: dangers for persons with disabi
CDC-FACT.ZIP 13,621 09-30-94 CDC brochure - "Facts About CFS"
CDC220.ZIP 9,573 06-01-93 Center for Disease Control Feb 20, 1993.
CDCDEF.ZIP 7,914 10-11-92 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome definition, fromNIHtext of a journal article proposing acase-finding definition
CDC_FACT.ZIP 13,621 09-30-94 Facts about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome from theCDC..
CFDRUG.ZIP 2,401 01-04-94 FDA approves 1st new drug in 30 years for cy
CH41205.ZIP 4,060 01-02-95 Little Britany battles kleft lip and pallet
CHART.ZIP 341,565 06-02-94 NURSE AIDE CHARTING PROGRAM v.1.0 <Member>ASPCharting resident care has never been easierwith this program easy fill in and selectformat. A must see for any facility ortraining site looking at tomorrow. Type [CNA]
Enter to run program
CHEMCOM.ZIP 293,512 01-07-94 PERSONAL CHEMCOM v4.0; Chemical PlumeDispersion Program- Personal CHEMCOM is achemical cloud (plume) dispersion program. Itallows the user to enter weather conditionsand the type and amount of hazardous chemical
being released and then shows the downwindconcentrations and plume location.
CHEW.ZIP 2,938 10-19-93 Compressed text of "Chew or Snuff Real Bad St
CHIN-MFN.ZIP 10,483 05-08-94 News Excerpts re: Renewal of China's MFN Stat
CLGHS.ZIP 11,694 05-12-93 Federal Government Clearing Houses andMedical Centers listings
CLKMTR11.ZIP 91,839 11-29-94 CLICKOMETER(TM) v1.1 <ASP> - Reduce RSI byknowing when to take a break! This programcounts keystrokes, mouse clicks, and tracksmouse movement. It issues warning noticeswhen activity thresholds (that you specify)
are exceeded. Counters are displayed likeodometers and updated in real-time. Reportson historical data show profiles of userinput activity. Usable DLL. On-line helpprovided. Requires Microsoft Windows 3.1.
CLUB.ZIP 3,229 01-04-94 Achilles Track Club for disAbled runners
CNAV3U.ZIP 323,202 09-18-93 CNA/NURSES ASSISTANT REVIEW PROGRAM v2.1<ASP>CNA is a certified nursing assistantevaluation testing program. There are noshort cuts in the process of learning but itcan be fun learning at home on your own PC.
CODV1U.ZIP 197,963 09-18-93 CODES ONLY v1.0 <ASP>Member InternationalClassification of Diseases Index program. Ithandles all clinical modification of diseasesin a alphabetical index. Now you can haveyour own personal ICD-9-CM Code Book.
COMP220I.ZIP 469,979 10-20-94 The Diabetic Companion 2.20 w/OTII support. AComplete Diabetes Logbook software program.Includes automatic posting of glucose resultsfrom your ONE TOUCH II and automatic posting
of your standard insulin injection amounts.Supports sliding scale insulin adjustments.Data backup with non-destructive restore.Online help. Supports faxing of your logbookto your health care provider and graphing ofresults
COMPSYMP.ZIP 19,624 01-11-95 Computers In Healthcare Education SymposiumApril 26-28, 1995 The Health SciencesLibraries Consortium and Thomas JeffersonUniversity are proud to present the tenthComputers in Healthcare Education Symposium.
This symposium is the only computerconference designed for and by medical andallied health educators.
CONSLT.ZIP 83,446 11-25-91 Medical Consultant for Windows 3: Generates apersonal medical history, write a living willand create a durable power of attornet.Medical histories can be saved for futurereference, updated as needed and printed in
either pocket or full-sized format. VBasic
COPING.ZIP 31,216 12-02-90 A Stress-type Of Self-examination.
CORRECT.ZIP 2,444 09-05-94 Correction Notice for Public Meeting
CORROSIV.ZIP 3,570 03-20-95 DOT Corrosive Placard
COSED10.ZIP 4,045 07-08-92 Cosmo's Editor for Max health.
CPRBRV21.ZIP 246,544 03-19-93 CPR \BYSTANDER REVIEW v2.1 <ASP>MemberElectronic review of bystander CPR andfunamental nursing for the cna of bystander.This information is for review and doesn'ttake the place of on the job experience or
approved training. CPR however is a goodevaluation tool.
CT&LASER.ZIP 2,926 02-10-94 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Laser Treatment
CT50117.ZIP 4,263 06-02-95 CA judge protects privacy of patient's medica
CURES.ZIP 312,865 01-03-95 *= Cancer Cures, Weight Loss, Good Health =*An informational program about healthtreatments long buried by alternative healthcare opponents. Find out for yourself whythey tried to keep this information buried!
CVRISK10.ZIP 36,428 11-12-91 Cardiovascular Heart Risk CalculationsVersion 1.0. Allows you to calculate yourcardivascular risk. It is based uponinformation from the American HeartAssociation.
DCARDIAC.ZIP 66,331 08-30-91 Cardiac Arrest Demo: Interactive tutorial forhealth care professionals on how to manage acardiac arrest situation. ACLS approved.
DEAFSUIT.ZIP 1,936 01-04-94 Deaf actress sues Burger King
DEATH_IN.ZIP 17,303 05-30-93 What a paradoxical age is this one in whichwe live! A time when we have more doctors,hospitals, medicines; more medical knowledgeof the care, treatment, and cure of disease;more pills, capsules, vitamins, etc.; yet
seldom has there been a time when more sick-ness and general ill health has plagued thehuman family.
DEF50210.ZIP 3,587 06-05-95 Cart opens court to hearing impaired.
DEF50220.ZIP 3,208 04-01-95 Deaf miss America seeks early detection ofhearing loss.
DEMOPASS.ZIP 351,261 06-19-95 PASS Funds Estimator for Windows v3.1
DEP1094.ZIP 46,512 12-06-94 Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns) re:depression, 10/94 ver.
DEPRESS.ZIP 44,878 02-05-90 Find Your Level Of Depression & Low Esteem
DEP_TEST.ZIP 25,309 10-23-93 Self-writing Test Yourself for Depression
DIABSOFT.ZIP 10,638 01-11-95 Software Information in regards to Diabetes.
DIAB_TXT.ZIP 52,938 01-19-91 Informative Collection Of Text Files ForDiabetics Annotated Lists Of Cookbooks, NewMedical News, Etc.
DICROSS.ZIP 7,956 04-18-93 Displays the number of possible alleles for adihybrid cross - BIOLOGY/genetics.
DISABPAY.ZIP 10,102 04-16-94 Specific Disability Care Options
DISDTXT1.ZIP 308,701 12-14-92 Disability book in plain ASCII form."National Directory of Resources forHandicapping Conditions" from US Govtprinting office, transcribed to disk by KimFenty of Brooklyn College.
DISK11.ZIP 63,161 08-27-91 Roark's Formulas For Stress And Strain V1.1.Solve Your Stress Problems With ThisComputerized Version Of Roark's Formulas.
DISPOST.ZIP 4,474 03-06-92 Postal regulations for individauls withdisabilities
DNA.GIF 61,883 06-09-95 640x480x256 color rendering of a section of D
DNAT11B.ZIP 99,120 02-20-92 Newest version of dnatest.exe,1.1b, a naturalai program which takes a sentence and replieswith several related sentences using geneticcode based knowledge structures.
DOC10.ZIP 50,681 01-01-93 Dissolved Oxygen Calibration v1.0: pgm foruse in determining the oxygen levels inliquids; will help in finding the calibrationpoint for the O2 Meter from input ofBarometric pressure, temperature andChlorinity
DOCSPEAK.ZIP 2,784 06-04-93 A humorous text file of what a doctor issaying and what he/she REALLY means.
DOD12.ZIP 245,246 10-12-94 Doctor on a Disk Version 1.2- Computerized Me
DONISOD.ZIP 318,285 06-08-94 Directory Of National Information Sources OnDisabilities
DPRSRULE.ZIP 2,036 04-15-91 "Rules" for depression (humorous; might cheerup you or someone you know)
DRFINFO.ZIP 76,323 06-11-93 Mike Lambert's Disaster Recovery Diskettecomplete with Mike's paper on DisasterRecovery and essential utilities.
DRIVE1.ZIP 16,923 03-06-92 Position papers of presidential candidates ondisability issues, collected by DRIVEDisability Rights in Voter Empowerment.
DRIVE2.ZIP 15,378 09-09-92 2nd distribution by Disability Rights inVoter Empowerment (DRIVE). Contains Clinton'sposition paper on disability issues (Bush'sis in DRIVE1.ZIP). Also contains essays bydisability leaders, Justin Dart in support of
Bush and Bobby Simpson in support of Clintonand more
DRNEW146.ZIP 12,914 09-25-94 Disaster Research News Volume No.146
DRSHRINK.ZIP 132,998 10-03-91 Quick analysis of the unconscious mind, ID,
DRTRIALS.ZIP 632,152 01-07-95 ACTIS/NLM Drug Trials - Updated through12/20/94. somewhat obscure medical info
DRUGINFO.ZIP 102,548 03-03-92 Drug Information. Prescription drug
DRUGLIST.ZIP 102,548 05-16-93 Detailed Collection of Info on Prescriptions.
DRUGTEST.ZIP 9,991 01-12-95 DRUGS of ABUSE and their detection withinUrine.
DSMIV.ZIP 5,683 05-07-94 Summary of changes in the officialpsychiatric diagnostic nomenclature withupcoming release of DSM-IV
DWB.ZIP 2,121 01-30-94 California Loses $4 Mil for Allowing Legally
DWCALC.ZIP 688,445 07-05-94 Calculates and monitors SSI Payments &Preparing PASS plan audit reports.
EARTEST_.ZIP 47,116 07-13-94 EarTest! Hearing Accuracy Tester Test fordeafness & hearing ability. Try it now,before it's too late! Measures hearingability in Hertz. PC Speaker required.
EBVREF.ZIP 22,280 02-15-92 medline search abstracts on ChronicEpstein-Barr Viral Syndrome
EEOC_RM.ZIP 113,462 04-23-92 Equal Economic Opportunity Commissionreference manual for the Americans withDisabilities Act. Title 1 dealing withemployment issues
EFA_911.ZIP 140,465 09-27-93 911 - Emergency First Aid v2.4 <SISA> Quick,easy access to proper emergency first aidprocedures when they are most needed; in anemergency. Quickly locate any of over 290indexed entries. Customized listing of
EFFEX04.ZIP 4,827 04-29-94 Internet FAQ (answers to frequently askedquestions re: the new anti- depressantEffexor (venlafaxine); [4/94 ver. supercedesprior]
EFFEXOR.ZIP 4,355 03-12-94 Factsheet about the new antidepressant venlaf
EFFEXOR3.ZIP 5,048 12-06-94 Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns) re:the new antidepressant Effexor (venlafaxine)
EHL0490.ZIP 3,031 12-16-91 EDELL HEALTH LETTER How to choose a good Chir
EIF508.ZIP 19,668 02-26-92 Testimony of the Electronic IndustriesFoundation on accessibility for people withDisabilities and response by Charles. thebasic issue is whether current federal lawshould be changed.
EM50410.ZIP 3,629 06-02-95 As politicos debate ambulance service, patien
EMF.ZIP 49,682 12-12-92 Health Effects Caused By ElectromagneticFields.
EMS_HELO.ZIP 3,177 04-08-95 Line Drawing of a Generic EMS Helo
ENG001.ZIP 6,727 05-06-95 EMI\NFA Hazardous Materials Training Courses
ENG002.ZIP 4,007 05-06-95 EMI\NFA Info on the Bombing in Oklahoma City
ENVFACTS.ZIP 159,008 09-11-93 Environmental facts, research and editorialarticles.
ENVIRE92.ZIP 114,230 07-03-92 Personal environment analyser and adviser.About your house & home, not your PC
EPAMODEL.ZIP 18,104 06-22-90 Documentation On How To Order Copies Of EpaWater Quality Models, Source Code AndDocumentation.
EPILEPSY.ZIP 5,607 11-06-93 Reprint of article on Epilepsy
ERD21.ZIP 503,711 11-28-94 Yup! Latest Speech Friendly ElectronicResource Directory from the Ma. Commissionfor the Blind. Now allows category editing,printing, Q to quit from main menu, and theability to create your own personal database
info program! Freeware.
ERGOFACT.ZIP 6,119 07-20-94 All ERGO Fact Sheets in One File, ASCII
ET000.ZIP 11,195 06-13-93 EarTest v000: attempts to measure thefrequency response of your hearing using yourPC's speaker, by generating 120 test tones at40 different frequencies from 500-20000 Hz
ETHNFACE.ZIP 5,690 12-23-94 A Ethnocentric Face of Deaf Culture: APerspective by Scott Benyacko.
EUG50209.ZIP 3,581 02-24-95 A brief history of TAB bias against personswith disabilities
EWI9495.ZIP 35,192 09-04-94 Easier Ways, Inc. 94-95 - Catalog of SpecialNeeds Products
EXP40628.ZIP 3,640 08-06-94 Government Experimenters Target Disabled AndVulnerable
EXTING.ZIP 5,272 04-08-95 Pressurized Water Fire Extinguisher
EYE.GIF 19,631 03-04-95 (741x816x256 greyscale) Technical, anotated,drawing of the human eye. Nice.
EYE50222.ZIP 4,496 03-04-95 Common eye nerve surgery "neither safe noreffective".
EYESIGHT.ZIP 106,840 06-16-91 Better Eyesight, The Mechanics Of Vision
FAC40831.ZIP 3,306 02-18-95 TN developmental center endangers children.
FAC41123.ZIP 3,092 02-18-95 DOJ sues Charlotte N.C. over disability grouphomes.
FAIRHOUS.ZIP 19,128 02-13-92 Fair housing amendments act of 1988.(HR-1158) Amends the civil rights act of 1968to include handicapped individauls
FALTFIND.ZIP 2,228 08-25-92 To solve problems with drinking, this Irish FFinders Guide should provide diagnostic cluesall but the most obscure problems normallyencountered. Part of ProBull FAQ series.
FAM41221.ZIP 3,942 02-06-95 Patients and families need support in medicalcrisis.
FAMILYMD.ZIP 154,590 06-01-91 Primary Care Information Tool For RN Or DR's
FASTHINK.ZIP 14,363 11-18-91 How chemical agents affect the brain
FASTLK20.ZIP 82,803 08-16-94 Speech Program For The Speech Impaired
FATIGE.ZIP 6,031 07-16-94 Fatigue Information File
FC940001.ZIP 32,201 03-19-95 Firefighters Attack Car Fire
FDA2597.ZIP 5,186 09-06-91 Will Food Become Illegal On 9/.
FDA3642A.ZIP 20,353 02-27-92 Will food become illegal if FDA has its way?
FDA41220.ZIP 5,793 01-07-95 how the FDA supresses potentially life savingdrug data
FDA9503.ZIP 43,816 03-15-95 Excerpts from: FDA CONSUMER (March 1995)Articles include: Drug Testing from aPatient's Perspective; Orthodontic Braces:Perfect Smile Replaces Tin Grin; LabelingRules For Young Children's Foods; Drug
Advisory Committees- Getting Outside Advicefor Close Calls; SEIZURE ACTIONS
FDA9507.ZIP 54,445 06-29-95 Excerpts from: FDA CONSUMER (Jul-Aug 1995)Features: FDA's Forensic Center; ThwartingSkin Cancer with Sun Sense; Not a Cure-All:Eye Surgery Helps Some See Better; ConditionsMen Get, Too; Making It Easier to Read
FDASOP.ZIP 34,842 07-17-94 FDA Statement of policy (re: new foods)
FDATEXTS.ZIP 188,868 03-22-92 27 recent news bulletins from the FDA
FDA_VITS.ZIP 5,100 01-01-94 The FDA in its never-ending war to weaken theAmerican population, has taken aim atvitamins! The history and potential futureactions of this struggle.
FDR50404.ZIP 7,253 06-02-95 FDR: forget the disability or remember? (dive
FD_AXEBW.ZIP 1,778 04-08-95 Fire Axe Line Drawing
FD_AXEC.ZIP 3,933 04-08-95 Color Drawing of a Fire Axe
FD_BW.ZIP 5,772 04-08-95 Maltese Cross Line Drawing
FD_COLOR.ZIP 5,998 04-08-95 Color Drawing of Maltese Cross
FEMUR_FX.ZIP 4,494 04-08-95 Line Art of Fractured Femur in Hare Trac
FLAM_LIQ.ZIP 5,569 04-08-95 DOT Placard of Flammable Liquid
FLAM_SLD.ZIP 6,482 04-08-95 DOT Placard for Flammable Solid
FLEA1192.ZIP 17,652 11-01-92 version of Internet FAQ (answers tofrequently asked questions) on "fleas, ticksand you".
FLEA2.ZIP 3,834 01-25-93 Non-toxic way to rid your animal or house offleas
FLIP416.ZIP 353,428 07-08-94 Flipper v4.16 Demo of popular screen reader
FMLAPOL.ZIP 21,831 10-15-93 A boiler plate Family and Medical Leave Act(FMLA) policy in both Word Perfect and AmiPro format for use for distribution toemployees by employers especially useful forPersonnel or Human Resources people.
FOCS1003.ZIP 17,723 02-27-95 UCSF FOCUS: A Guide to AIDS, Vol. 10, No. 3Feb 1995.
FRESH_1.ZIP 39,594 09-01-94 Are you tired? Tired of pretending? Has theenjoyment gone out of life? Fresh Start is atest for depression. Requires color VGAmonitor (640x480).
FRSTAID.ZIP 1,904 08-07-92 Tips on giving first aid.
FULLPROP.ZIP 85,732 05-02-94 Disability Process Redesign - Proposed &Background Report From The SSA DisabilityProcess
FULLSB1.ZIP 2,087 04-08-95 Line Art FW Folding Aluminum Spine Board
FULLSB2.ZIP 2,131 04-08-95 Color FW Folding Aluminum Spine Board
GENETICS.ZIP 18,641 08-07-92 Genetics, very simple.
GIFT-NFB.ZIP 6,025 05-08-95 How your gift can help the NFB and all blindpeople
GIFTPRO.ZIP 4,339 05-07-93 Resource list for parents of Gifted children.
GLAUCOMA.ZIP 2,686 10-07-94 Text file on Primary Open Angle Glaucoma
GRNDRULE.ZIP 5,690 09-05-94 Groundrules for SENRAC Committee
GYNT_ON.ZIP 128,105 10-25-94 PEER GYNT'S ONION by ANTHONY CAMPBELL AnAlternative Alternative Medical Book (C)Copyright 1994 Anthony Campbell, but freelydistributable.
GYPSY.ZIP 880,758 05-22-93 Over the Counter HealthCare Info_Data